Flight of the yellow dwarf.

Flight of the yellow dwarf.

Price: 1300 euro


Suspended sculpture/mobile. Felt, glass. 80x100cm. 2023. I don’t know what you are doing now: sit with your legs crossed in an armchair, like me, or stand on the street, under the spring sun, ride the subway, looking at unfamiliar faces, or maybe recline on the sofa, spreading a velvet robe embroidered with monograms in the Oblomov style. But in any case, whatever you do, whatever I do, we all fly! I often think about it and these thoughts both delight and fascinate me. Moreover, if together with our Earth we rotate at a speed of 465 meters per second (imagine!) And fly with it in orbit at a speed of 29.7 kilometers per second (compare with the speed of your bike or car)! That, together with the Sun, we fly through the galaxy at a speed of 217 km/s. Have you imagined?! Well, the galaxy itself is also flying (600 km/s). Here's a carousel! Really cool?!

Flight of the yellow dwarf.
Flight of the yellow dwarf.
Flight of the yellow dwarf.